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Event listener

Register an event listener

Using the listen function

You can register an event listener by calling the following function anywhere you want.

listen<EventClass> {

The event instance will be passed in as it, but you can change this:

listen<PlayerMoveEvent> { moveEvent ->
    moveEvent.player.kick(literalText("Do not move!"))
    broadcast("${moveEvent.player} moved :/")

The listen function returns the Listener instance, which allows you to perform operations on it later.

For example you could listen to a specific event temporarily:

val moveEventListener = listen<PlayerMoveEvent> {
    it.player.kick(literalText("Do not move!"))

// e.g. unregister the listener after some time
taskRunLater(20 * 5) {

Register an existing Listener instance

There is an extension function which registers a Listener instance:


Unregister a Listener

Just call listenerInstance.unregister()