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The general task function

The task function is very powerful. It connects almost all kinds of Spigot tasks and even adds additional features on top.

You define its behaviour by providing the following parameters (all are optional and have default values):

Parameter Description
sync if the runnable should run sync (true) or async (false)
delay the delay (in ticks) until the first execution of the task
period at which interval (in ticks) the task should be repeated
howOften how many times the task should be executed - null for infinite execution
endCallback code that should always be executed when the runnable ends
safe if the endCallback of the runnable should always be executed, even if the server shuts down or the runnable ends prematurely
runnable the runnable which should be executed each repetition

The body of task function is the runnable parameter. This runnable provides an instance of KSpigotRunnable, which inherits from BukkitRunnable, but adds counters on top. These counters are:

  • counterUp
  • counterDownToOne
  • counterDownToZero

An example would be:

    sync = false,
    delay = 25,
    period = 20,
    howOften = 5
) {
    println(it.counterUp) // starting from zero
    println(it.counterDownToOne) // starting from howOften
    println(it.counterDownToZero) // starting from howOften - 1

Switch between synchronous and asynchronous execution

You can simply use the sync and async function.

sync {
    println("now sync")
    async {
        println("now async")
        sync {
            println("now sync again")

Alternatively, if you want to specify wether a task should be executed sync or async using a parameter, you can use the taskRun function, which has a sync parameter.

Other (simpler) task functions

Run a task later

You can use taskRunLater.

This function executes the given runnable with the given delay. Either sync or async (specified by the sync parameter).