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Starting a new project

In this guide we will assume that you are using or want to use Gradle.

Install Java

You will need to have the JDK (Java Development Kit) installed.

If you do not already have a JDK installed, you have several options:

  • Windows
  • Arch pacman -S jdk-openjdk (refer to the archwiki for other versions)
  • Debian apt install default-jdk (refer to the Debian Wiki for other versions)

Please make sure that you know which version of Java you have just installed. If you just have one installation of Java, run java -version to get the current Java version on your system.

Create a project

In IntelliJ IDEA, click on File > New > Project and choose Gradle on the sidebar in the popup window.

Now choose the JDK which you have just installed.

If you want to write your gradle build script in Kotlin, make sure to tick the Kotlin DSL build script checkbox. (recommended)

Now select Java and Kotlin/JVM as your frameworks.

After that, you can create your project.

You may now continue with the Setup using Gradle guide.

Add the Spigot plugin.yml

Create a new file called plugin.yml in the resources directory of your project.

Read the official documentation for the Spigot plugin.yml file.