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Email API

Create an email

You can create an email using the emailBuilder function. Inside an email builder you set everything you need.

val email = emailBuilder {

    withSubject("Important question")
    withPlainText("Hey, how are you today?")

    // and much more

A built email object is immutable.

Send that email

Go to the client page.

Copy an email

If you don't want to start blank with your email builder, you can copy another email and change it to your liking.

val copiedEmail = email.copy {
    // modify the email

Forward an email

val forwardEmail = email.forward(from = "") {
    prependText("This is a forwarded message.")

Reply to an email

val replyEmail = email.reply(from = "", toAll = false) {
    prependText("This is a reply message.")