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Entrypoint to your plugin

The entrypoint in KSpigot is a class which represents the main class of your plugin.

Type of the main class

Please note that due to a limitation of Spigot, your main class has to be a class, it cannot be an object or anything else.

Create the main class

Create a new file at src/main/kotlin/your/package/structure/ and call it (for example) Manager.

Add the following class to the file:

class InternalMainClass : KSpigot() {
    override fun load() { }
    override fun startup() { }
    override fun shutdown() { }
Coming from Paper or Spigot?

When using KSpigot do not inherit from JavaPlugin, inherit from KSpigot instead.

Also, please note that:

  • onLoad becomes load
  • onEnable becomes startup
  • onDisable becomes shutdown
Be careful with the load function

The load() function is called earlier than the safe startup() function. During that time not all functionality of Spigot is available to your plugin, therefore you should prefer the startup() function if possible.

Make it globally available

As noted above you cannot use object for the main class. Fortunately, due to the fact that there should always only exist one instance of your main class, you can provide it globally by building the main class as follows:

class InternalMainClass : KSpigot() {
    companion object {
        lateinit var INSTANCE: InternalMainClass; private set

    override fun load() {
        INSTANCE = this

    override fun startup() { }

    override fun shutdown() { }

val Manager by lazy { InternalMainClass.INSTANCE }