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Setup using Gradle

The following code snippets can be used in your build.gradle.kts file.

An example of a final configuration file is also available.


Java version

Make sure that you have configured the Java version correctly.

Add paper (via paperweight)

Add the paperweight Gradle plugin. Have a look at the example.

Add KSpigot

Add the dependency

Add the following repository to your repositories scope:

repositories {

Add the KSpigot dependency to your dependencies scope:

dependencies {

Replace VERSION with the version you want to use.

Latest version (without the v):
latest KSpigot GitHub release

Add KSpigot to your plugins libraries

Add KSpigot as a library to the libraries list on your plugin.yml. Make sure that you are always using the same string you where using when defining the dependency in Gradle.

  - "net.axay:kspigot:VERSION"

Build your final plugin

Run the Gradle task called build. Using IntelliJ IDEA, this can be done using the Gradle sidebar, where you can find the task under Tasks > build > build. Alternatively, you can also run ./gradlew build in your terminal.

The final .jar file of your plugin will then be at the following location: build/libs/yourplugin.jar